Words. There are a lot of them. Words that feel like sticks and stones. Words that mend and encourage. Words that make you laugh! (those are some of my favorite!) Words that make you weep. (Like, "We're Moving") But my favorite words in the world are God's Words. These words have power. They are sharp, active and can pierce the dullest soul and cause it to live again. They reprimand. Comfort. Teach. Inspire to believe in the impossible. They are my delight, a lamp to my feet so I might not stumble, they are edible, sweet and like honey to my mouth! (Or dark chocolate)
So I chose words to write or speak carefully. Sometimes. I can be very careless and often not very tasteful. But I'm working on that. Or rather, God is working on that. Someday I might be a very dignified woman. There is always hope. The verses you will find on this page are ones that I would like to say apply to my life perfectly. That I have grasped what it is to live content in any and every circumstance. But I haven't. I keep those words here to meditate upon and remind myself that only in contentment will I ever truly live a joy-filled life. And that is my desire. "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" is a verse I live by because I really believe that. When I am filled with the joy of the Lord, I can not be toppled by the circumstances I live in!
Life is about to change rapidly for the Lee family. I am about to embark on the dream of my husband's heart--living in an RV for the next 2 months at least. It is going to get interesting. And challenging. But the question that I keep asking myself is, can I choose to live joyfully in the tin can that will be my home? Can I choose Joy while tripping on my children and dog and cooking on a two-burner stove? Can I choose Joy when I'm sharing a bathroom the size of my front closet with three other people? Can I choose Joy in these circumstances? I can. With God's help. I can do all things---even live in an RV for two months through Christ who gives me Strength.
So join me on the journey---not just the literal one we're going to take from Oklahoma to Ohio and then who knows where---but the journey of my heart. A journey that will most likely have a few detours. I may get a couple of flat tires, run out of gas or crash but I'm going to keep traveling until I get home to heaven.